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Full-Time MBA in International Business Scholarships

The MBA in International Business, the International Master in Tourism & Leisure, and the Master in Insurance and Risk Management are made more accessible thanks to the companies who support and later recruit program participants.

The School and company sponsors fund scholarships, awarded as a full or partial exemption from MBA tuition fee.

Scholarships are awarded based on merit and on specific requirements indicated by the School or company sponsors. For specific requirements, download specific scholarship information.
Evaluation criteria

Among evaluation criteria preference is given to:

  • Significant professional experience
  • Language proficiency in Foreign languages
  • Demonstrated managerial skills

To be considered for scholarships, candidates must:

  • Complete and send the on-line application or the PDF application form to the MBA in International Business
  • Meet the requirements stated in the scholarship description
  • Send all relevant documentation indicated in the competition for scholarship

Admission to the MBA program is independent from the scholarship process.
When outcomes for MBA admissions are announced, candidates will be informed if they receive a scholarship and the amount.
For more detiails information click here
