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Music Scholarships for Postgraduate Students 2010

Music Scholarships in London for Overseas Students

The Department of Music at City University London is internationally renowned as a centre of research and teaching excellence in composition (acoustic and electroacoustic), musicology, ethnomusicology, performance, and music technology, receiving the highest possible rating in the UK Research Assessment Exercise 2001 (5*)

These scholarships are open to full-time overseas research students (UK/EU students are ineligible) who begin an MPhil-PhD in Music in 2010-2011. The award comprises a £4,000 contribution to overseas tuition fees, renewable for a further 2 years dependent on progress. Overseas students who wish to study for an MMA-DMA degree (joint with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama) are eligible for an award of £2,000. Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Level of achievement at Undergraduate and Master’s degrees
  • Markers of esteem such as prizes for outstanding work or a publication list, or major performance engagements
  • Research excellence or demonstrable research potential

You must complete the application procedure for a research degree in the normal way and, once submitted, must email the Research Administrator at the School of Arts, Amber Burrow-Goldhahn of your intention to be considered for an Overseas Scholarship in Music.

The closing date for receipt of applications: Monday 25 January 2010. The outcome will only be announced after the City University Studentship competition results have been released.

view details: http://www.city.ac.uk/music/postgraduate/funding
