Scholarships are there to help support you whilst you’re studying to help with costs such as tuition fees, accommodation, sports services, books, equipment, travel, study aids, childcare or other course related costs.
Who is eligible to receive a scholarship?
Terms and Conditions for all Scholarships
Students must meet all of the following eligibility criteria below:
You must
- Meet the specific scholarship criteria
- Be starting on year one of a full-time HEFCE funded course that charges the £3,290* tuition fee
- Be a new entrant student to the University for the 2011-2012 academic year (with the exception of those who have progressed from a Foundation course)
- Meet the normal course entry requirements
- Have made a firm (CF, UF) commitment to the University (CU) during the UCAS admissions phase (unless you have come to CU through clearing)
Please note: The tuition fees for 2011 have not yet been finalised
Which students are excluded from these scholarships?
You are not eligible to apply for a scholarship if you are a:
- Student on a Foundation Degree course
- Student on a Foundation Art and Design course funded by the Learning and Skills Council
- Student who has not made Coventry University your firm choice (CF,UF) during the UCAS Admissions phase (unless applying during clearing)
- Student on an undergraduate foundation year (year zero)
- Overseas student (that is, outside of EU countries)
- Student studying on a postgraduate course
- Student studying on a franchise or validated Coventry University course at another institution (e.g. Henley College)
- Student studying for a second degree
- Student who is not paying the full tuition fee
- Student who leaves your course before the end of the academic year
Please note:
- Students on courses funded by the National Health Service (NHS) or NHS Business Services Authority (Social Work) are only eligible to apply for the Sports Scholarships
- All information regarding Scholarships for 2011 may be subject to change
- The Sports scholarships are open to students from any discipline irrespective of their course of study
What scholarships does Coventry University offer?
Coventry University, Priory Street, Coventry CV1 5FB. Telephone: +44 (0)24 7688 7688