The Harvard Merit Fellowships and Graduate Society Term Time Awards for Dissertation Research are nowsimilar in terms of eligibility requirements and stipend; they are available to outstanding GSAS students in allfields, including the natural sciences (separate applications no longer exist). These fellowships are normally tobe held in the fourth or fifth year, or earlier, and are for the purpose of allowing the students to devote a greaterportion of their time to research, fieldwork, and writing than would otherwise be possible.
Students must havepassed Generals and have an approved dissertation prospectus at the time of nomination, or be scheduled tohave approval by the time the award begins (the award otherwise will be forfeited if approval does notmaterialize).The maximum grant is a single term standard cohort stipend (in FY10 it was $11,165 but may be subject tochange for the coming year). The award is taken for one semester, either fall or spring. During the semester that theaward is held, teaching is restricted to 1/5 (one section), with no restriction in the non-fellowship term.
Merit/Term Time candidates may be in any field within GSAS. All candidates must have passed Generalsand have an approved dissertation prospectus at the time of nomination, or must be scheduled to have anapproved prospectus by the time the award begins (the award otherwise will be forfeited if approval does notmaterialize). Normally, at the time of nomination, the candidates will be in the third or fourth year of thedoctoral program – or earlier.Please Note: Under a new policy, students will be allowed to combine the merit/term time fellowship stipendswith additional fellowships, with a cap of $32,000 stipend. Multiple winners will be expected to take the full non-GSAS award. It is important to report promptly, as soon as you receive another fellowship offer.
Application form:
How to apply:
Applicant must fulfill the following:
- Application form, which includes a brief synopsis of the proposed project
- Candidate`s Statement of Purpose, two to four pages (double-spaced) in length.
- A curriculum vitae
- Two letters of recommendation from faculty members.
- Candidate`s graduate school transcript. Note that when applying for internal
Harvard fellowships, studentsdo not need to submit an official transcript from the Registrar`s Office. They may submit a copy of their gradereport available online from the Registrar`s Office. To access our grade report, go to and sing in using your ID and PIN. Click on “Campus Resources”. Under “FAS Academics”, click on “OnlineStudent Record.”
If you meet the eligibility and other criteria described above, then you should: (a) prepare the required proposalor statement as described above; (b) seek required letters of recommendation as early as possible, submitting acopy of your proposal to the letter writer; and (c) instruct letter writers to submit letters to the appropriatedepartment administrator by the departmental deadline and verify that this has been done once the deadline hasbeen reached.
Application deadline: February 11, 2011
Contact:Cynthia Verba, Director of Fellowships, Holyoke Center 350.
Further Details download the pdf file at: