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Concordia University Undergraduate Scholarships: Adopt-A-Student Award in Honour of Richard J. Renaud

Canada – Concordia University Undergraduate Scholarships

This non-renewable entrance bursary was established in 2009 to commemorate the granting of an Honorary Doctorate to Mr. Richard J. Renaud, FCA, LLD, a dedicated and generous benefactor of Concordia University.

The Adopt-A-Student Award in honour of Richard J. Renaud is intended to assist a newly-admitted Varsity Athlete who is studying full-time or part-time in any area of study.

Application required: Yes
Citizenship: Open to Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents, and International Students
Open to part time students: Yes

This financial need-based award is part of the Undergraduate Entrance Bursary Program. The 2011-2012 competition is now closed. The online application for students newly admitted in Summer or Fall 2012 will be available in late March 2012.

Further scholarship information and application, click here

