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Arsip Info Beasiswa: Canada

Beasiswa luar negeri dari Kanada

(Canada) University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships (UMGF) for International Students

University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships (UMGF) Valued for a 12 month period at $16,000 for PhD students, or $12,000 for Master’s students. Continue Reading →

Concordia University Undergraduate Scholarships: Adopt-A-Student Award in Honour of Richard J. Renaud

Canada – Concordia University Undergraduate Scholarships This non-renewable entrance bursary was established in 2009 to commemorate the granting of an Honorary Doctorate to Mr. ... Continue Reading →

AVP/SMUSA International Awards 2011 – 2012 for Undergraduate and Graduate, Canada

Saint Mary’s University, Canada Established by and reporting to the Vice-President, Academic and Research, in the fall of 2003, the International Mobility Awards Committee oversees ... Continue Reading →

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships, Scholarship in Canada

Canada is building world-class research capacity by recruiting top-tier postdoctoral researchers at an internationally competitive level of funding and positioning them for success ... Continue Reading →

Scholarships to International Students at Humber Institute Canada

Humber offers full tuition renewable scholarships for qualified incoming international students beginning classes in September of each year. Continue Reading →

University of Alberta Undergraduate Scholarships 2011 for International Students, Canada

To attract top students, the University of Alberta offers more than CAD$25 million in undergraduate scholarships each year. Continue Reading →

Undergraduate Scholarship for International Students, Ryerson University Canada

Undergraduate Scholarship for Students of International and Canada Applicants at Ryerson University in Canada International applicants entering year one of a full-time, four-year undergraduate ... Continue Reading →

International Leader of Tomorrow Award for International Students, Canada

UBC attracts talented secondary and post-secondary students from around the world. We honour the achievements of our incoming international students through the International Leader ... Continue Reading →

Scholarships at Carleton University (Canada) for US and International Students

Scholarships For US and International High School Students, Carleton University International undergraduate students who meet our academic and language requirements will automatically ... Continue Reading →

General Undergraduate Scholarships 2011, University of Alberta, Canada

Scholarship for International students, Transfer Citations Study Subject: Any subject Employer: University of Alberta Level: Undergraduate Continue Reading →