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Hamburg University (Germany) PhD Fellowships

The International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling (IMPRS-ESM), located in Hamburg, Germany, offers fellowships to outstanding students interested in Earth system research. Doctoral students of the IMPRS-ESM contribute to the development, application, and evaluation of a spectrum of Earth system models at different temporal and spatial scales, including the interactions between the
natural and the human systems. The School comprises institutions and scientists from the broad field of Earth sciences, as well as from economics and social sciences. The School accepts students from all over the world.

The PhD program is open to applicants holding a German Diplom degree (or the equivalent, e.g. a Master degree with written thesis) in geophysical sciences (including meteorology and oceanography), physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science, economics, or political science. For application please register on-line and send the required documents (www.earthsystemschool.mpg.de). Application deadline is October 15, 2006. The selection procedure includes an interview; successful applicants will be offered financial support of roughly 1000 Euros a
month. There are no tuition fees. Support will be available starting March 2007 (duration up to 3 years).

For questions, please contact coordinator@earthsystemschool.mpg.de
