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The MTS Student Scholarship

The Marine Technology Society (MTS) is pleased to offer thousands of scholarship dollars to eligible students interested in studying marine engineering or technology.
Contact : Suzanne Voelker
Address : 5565 Sterrett Place Suite 108 Columbia, MD 21044
Phone :    410-884-5330
Email Address :    suzanne.voelker@mtsociety.org
Website Address : www.mtsociety.org
Application Deadline :     April 17, 2007
Number Of Awards : See Description
Maximum Amount : $2,000
Scholarships are available to high school students, undergraduates, and graduate students. Visit the MTS web site at www.mtsociety.org for details and an application.

The DEADLINE for having applications postmarked is April 17th. Apply now to take advantage of these annual awards.

The following scholarships are available:

§ $2,5000 Charles H. Bussmann Undergraduate Scholarship (for MTS student member undergraduates)
§ $2,500 Charles H. Bussmann Graduate Scholarship (for MTS student member graduates)
§ $2,000 MTS Student Scholarship (for non-MTS and MTS student member undergraduates and graduates)
§ $1,000 John C. Bajus Scholarship (for MTS student member undergraduates and graduates)
§ $2,000 Paros-Digiquartz Scholarship (for non-MTS and MTS student member undergraduates and graduates)
§ Dieter Family Travel Scholarship (for MTS student member graduates and undergraduates): For full student registration and up to $500 in travel-related expenses for students wishing to go to the Oceans 2006 MTS/IEEE Conference
§ Up to $10,000 ROV Scholarship (for MTS student member graduates and undergraduates, and high school seniors interested in ROVs or underwater work that furthers the use of ROVs)
