Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) provides Shariah Scholar in Islamic Finance. The Shariah Scholarship Award is part of the Fund for Shariah Scholars in Islamic Finance, which was established to enhance knowledge, research, talents, and intellectual discourse in the field of Shariah. The Fund represents Bank Negara Malaysia’s commitment to strengthen the development of the Islamic financial industry. [See also: Shariah Research Grant]
The Scholarship is aimed at enlarging the pool of Shariah scholars who are well-equipped with the necessary knowledge and competencies in both Shariah and Islamic finance.
The Scholarship is available to qualified candidates pursuing the following:
- Post-graduate (Masters or Doctorate) study at recognised institutions of
higher learning in the field of Shariah, specializing in fiqh muamalat;
OR - Certified Islamic Finance Professional (CIFP) programme conducted by the International Centre for Education is Islamic Finance (INCEIF). [More information about CIFP at]
Application Process & Deadlines
- The Scholarship is open to citizens of all countries.
- Applicants are required to have a bachelor’s degree in Shariah studies
from a recognised institution of higher learning, achieving at least a Second
Class Upper or its equivalent.- For the CIFP Scholarship, a special consideration will be accorded
to those with a diploma (or its equivalent) in Shariah studies, but
they must have at least 5 years working experience in the financial
- For the CIFP Scholarship, a special consideration will be accorded
- Applicants are also expected to have secured admission to EITHER
a Masters or Doctorate programme in Shariah, specializing in fiqh
muamalat, at a recognised institution of higher learning, in a full-time
programme, OR the CIFP programme conducted by INCEIF. - Current students enrolling in the specified programmes at recognised institutions
of higher learning may also apply for the scholarship. - Applicants should not be in receipt of any other scholarship awards.
Award Package
Post-Graduate Scholarship
The Post-Graduate Scholarship will cover the approved tuition and examination fees, and the recipient will be provided a quarterly subsistence allowance.
Where and when applicable, other allowances such as for books and equipment, approved return air fare, warm clothing, relocation, end of study and thesis/dissertation completion, will also be provided.
CIFP Scholarship
The CIFP Scholarship will cover the registration and approved examination fees. In addition, the recipient will also be paid a study allowance.
Special Note: There is no employment bond attached to either
Application Process & Deadlines
Application for the scholarship must be submitted with the following documents
which must be in English:
Form [Word, 208K]. - Certified copies of academic certificates and transcripts (with English
translation if the original copy is not in English) - Letter of Offer from the institution of higher learning or INCEIF
- Photocopy of personal identification document (passport / birth certificate
/ identity card) - An essay of not more than 300 words on why you should be awarded the scholarship
and how you plan to contribute to the Islamic financial services industry. - Two (2) letters of recommendation written by individuals under whom you
have studied or worked, and who are able to comment on your qualifications
for the award (only for post-graduate scholarship application). Please
use the following template
[PDF, 14K] - Thesis proposal (only for post-graduate scholarship application)
- Other relevant materials to support the application.
Please mail the completed application to:
Shariah Scholarship Award
Islamic Banking and Takaful Department
Bank Negara Malaysia
Jalan Dato Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Deadline: Completed applications for both Post-Graduate Scholarship
and CIFP Scholarship must be received by the Bank by 29 December 2006 (Friday)
30 November 2006 (Thursday)
Only short-listed applicants will be notified, and may be required to attend
an interview.
Contact Information
If you have any enquiries regarding the Scholarship, please contact the Shariah
Fund Secretariat at:
Islamic Banking and Takaful Department
Bank Negara Malaysia
Jalan Dato Onn
50480 Kuala Lumpur
Telephone: +603-2691 0263 (Direct) / 2698 8044 extn 7621/8637
Facsimile: +603 2693 3826
See also: Shariah Research Grant