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[UK] The Beinecke Scholarship Program – Stanford University

University of Stanford will channel Beinecke scholarship. Open to juniors majoring in humanities, social sciences, or the arts, and who plan to enter a master’s or doctoral program in the arts, humanities, or social sciences. Students must have demonstrated superior standards of intellectual ability, scholastic achievement, and personal promise during their undergraduate years. U.S. citizen or U.S. national from American Samoa or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Have a documented history of receiving need-based financial aid during his or her undergraduate years.Award: A Beinecke Scholar receives a total of $32,000 in support of his or her graduate education.

Application Procedures:

  1. Fill out UAR’s pre-application form to participate in the campus competition.
  2. Email Renee Courey (rcourey@stanford.edu) after October 31st, 2006, for the brief application form. Please note that the bulk of the application consists of other materials listed below.
  3. Ask three faculty members who know you well to complete letters of recommendation. See Asking for Letters of Recommendation for guidelines. Ask them to return their evaluations to Undergraduate Advising and Research office, First Floor Sweet Hall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-3088.
  4. Work with your faculty mentors to write your “Nominee’s Essay” and short-answer essays as per application instructions. You may also consult with writing advisors in Fellowships and Graduate School Applications Services. To schedule an appointment with someone in the UAR regarding fellowships or graduate school, click here.
  5. Submit all application materials to Undergraduate Advising and Research office, First Floor Sweet Hall by January 16, 2007, 5:00 p.m.. Your completed application must include:
    – Completed Application Form (contact Renee Courey)
    – Current resume
    – Personal statement
    – Three letters of recommendation
    – Official Stanford Transcript
  6. A committee of Stanford Faculty will review applications and select one applicant to nominate to the Beinecke Scholarship Program. The nominee will re-submit a final version of the application on an official form, working closely with UAR staff to finalize materials. The UAR will send the final application to the Beinecke Scholarship Program in March, 2007. Winners will be notified in May, 2007.

Campus Deadline: January 23, 2007

Download: Instructions for campus competition
