The Center for the Study of the Presidency Fellowship is by nomination through Stanford only. Open to currently-enrolled Stanford sophomores and juniors majoring in History, International Relations, Political Science, or related fields. Students must have strong academic record, a demonstrated interest in the Office of the Presidency, demonstrated leadership skills, and the ability to research, write, and present original material.
Award: A Center for the Presidency Fellow will participate in a non-residential program. Students will have the opportunity to study the U.S. Presidency, the public policy-making process, and the Chief Executive’s relationship with Congress, allies, the media, and the public. Fellows attend two conferences in Washington D.C., one in the spring and one in the fall of academic year 2007-2008, where they have the opportunity to develop and present a research paper and to discuss vital issues with important government officials and leaders at think tanks.
Campus Deadline: March 6, 2007
Application Procedures:
- Fill out UAR’s pre-application form to participate in the campus competition.
- Ask one faculty member who knows you well to write a letter of recommendation. See Asking for Letters of Recommendation on this website for guidelines. Ask the faculty member to return his or her evaluation to Undergraduate Advising and Research office, First Floor Sweet Hall, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-3085.
- Work with your faculty mentor to write a maximum 1,000-word personal statement explaining:
1) your motivations for applying for the Center Fellows Program
2) your current academic interests and course of study
3) your educational and career goals.You are strongly encouraged to consult with writing advisors in the office of Undergraduate Advising and Research. To schedule an appointment with someone in the UAR regarding fellowships or graduate school, click here.
- Submit all application materials to Undergraduate Advising and Research office, First Floor Sweet Hall by March 6, 2007. Your completed application must include:
– Your Personal Statement
– One letter of recommendation from a Stanford Faculty member
– Official Stanford transcript
– One copy of your resume - A committee of UAR Staff and Stanford Faculty will review applications and select the finalist.