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[Germany] Special Program Scholarship “Summer School” University of Freiburg

Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Germany performs a special program so-called with FORESTRY, MARKETS AND SOCIETY Freiburg International Summer School on July 2nd – 13th, 2007.

The programme is designed for young scientists working in the field of forestry and other related fields of natural resource management. One aspect is to offer participants an opportunity to gain knowledge in economic, ecological and social aspects in connection with the management of forests in Europe with a regional focus on the Black Forest, a mountainous region in the southwest of Germany. Other aspects are the encouragement of research projects in cooperation with German universities and industries as well as the extension of contacts.
The Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences of the University of Freiburg in cooperation
with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides scholarships to
participate in the programme.
The „Forestry, Markets and Society” Summer School is part of the programme „Integrated
Environmental Engineering“, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF).

The summer school will deal with the most important issues linked to the sustainable
management of forests.
Components included: Silviculture, Forest Inventory and Monitoring, Forest Utilisation,
Marketing of Products, Management and Planning, Forest Politics, Services of Forests……

All countries from: Asia, Latin America, Middle and Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and Finland.
The programme is open for applications from all countries of the above mentioned regions. The programme „Integrated
Environmental Engineering“ encourages especially interested scientists from China, Brazil, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary und Slovenia to apply for the programme.
DATE SUMMER 2007: July 2nd – 13th, 2007
PROGRAMME FEES: 500 € (covered by scholarship)

  • subsidy to international travel (according to country of origin, will be paid in Freiburg) details: http://portal.uni-freiburg.de/fomaso/
  • accommodation (incl. breakfast) during the course (13 nights: July 1st – 13th)
  • programme fees (incl. transport, study material, field trips)

Personal requirements:

  • MSc. or equivalent degree in forest/ wood sciences or related fields.
  • English language working level.


  1. By e-mail: – MS-Excel application form (download: http://portal.uni-freiburg.de/fomaso/)
    – curriculum vitae (1 page) with photograph
    – specific interest to participate this programme, including planned study or research cooperation (1 page) and
  2. Documents by mail: – DAAD application form
    Application for Research Grants and Study Scholarships (download: http://portal.uni-freiburg.de/fomaso/)
    – copy of the M.Sc. certificate

Application deadline: April 27th, 2007
Selection of candidates: Selection committee will decide beginning of May 2007

  1. Please send the MS-Excel application file, CV and the specific interest to participate the programme to the following address: summer-school@fobawi.uni-freiburg.de
  2. Please send the application form and the copy of the certificate to the following address:
    Institute of Forest Utilization and Work Science
    Werderring 6 Tel.: (+49) 0761-203-3764
    D-79085 Freiburg Fax: (+49) 0761-203-3763
    GERMANY http://www.forst.uni-freiburg.de/fobawi/

For information please contact:
Dr. Reiner Mühlsiegl Tel.: (+49) 0761-203-3767 (or -3764)
Fax: (+49) 0761-203-3763
E-Mail: reiner.muehlsiegl@fobawi.uni-freiburg.de

Freiburg International Summer School
July 2nd – 13th, 2007
Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences
Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg
