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Beasiswa Monbukagakusho Research Student Program, Departure of 2008

Registration for departure of the year 2008 opened date of 30 March 2007 and will be closed by 11 May 2007.
They passing selection of document, Embassy of Japan in Indonesia would contact one weeks before test. Test is written will be executed by 25 Junes 2007, then interview test is executed between 25 Junes – 6 July 2007 ( schedule every participant will be informed then).

Download: forms Requirement (English) (Japanese)

This program addressed for them enthusiastic in program research student in college in Japan.

Enthusiast when experiencing research student is enabled to applies for to program degree ( S-2 / S-3 / professional graduate course) or continues program S-3 having completed program S-2 / professional graduate course, if passing selection of test test given by the university.

Enthusiast also can directly enter to program degree without following research student if have got permit from the university. Scholarship is given [by] without tenure, include;covers expense of study and living cost.


  1. Borns at and after date of 2 April 1973.
  2. minimum IPK 30 either S-1 and also S-2 ( or minimum EJU value 260 in number 2 test eye is not be including Bahasa Jepang
  3. minimum TOEFL-PBT Value 550 or minimum TOEFL-CBT 213 or minimum equivalent or Japanese Language Proficiency Test value of level 2.
  4. Chooses the same study area with science discipline before all
  5. Readies Japan Language learning.
  6. Corporeal healthy and spirit.
  7. Applicant must read and comprehends description enclosure in research.

    Download Requirement (English) (Japanese)


  1. Form can be taken in Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang, Japan Consulate General in Surabaya, Medan and Makasar or download can from this yard.
  2. Form along with document asked must be sent direct to Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang in Jakarta ( not to Japan Consulate General).
  3. Registration is opened on 30 Marchs 2007 up to the date of 11 Mays 2007.
  4. Prepares document as according to enclosure no. 7.
  5. Forms which can be download from here is :
    -  Application Form
    -  Field of Study and Study Program
    -  Recommendation Form
    -  Certificate of Health
    Download: forms

For detail information please contact:

Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang
Jl. MH Thamrin no.24 Jakarta 11350
Telp. (021) 3192-4308 ext.175 atau 176
