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[Netherland] Master Program Scholarship from StuNed

StuNed offers master (S2) scholarship. Requirements : Indonesia citizen, Bachelor degree (S1), GPA (IPK) 2.75 , TOEFL Computer based 213 or ITP 550. Work experience min. 2 years, reasoning of education according to major taken, ready to finalize study during receiving scholarship, and maximum age 40 years per 1 September 2007.

Deadline of application for Java region 15 Aprils 2007, outside Java 1 August 2007.

For information of complete please contact:

Netherland Education Centre Indonesia

Menara Jamsostek Lt.20 Jl. Gatot Subroto No.38
Jakarta 12710
Telp. + 6221-52902172, Fax: + 6221-52902173
