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[USA] Fulbright Scholarship for Master’s Degree and PhD

If wish study in America, try scholarship Fulbright given by American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF). According To Michael E McCoy, executive Director Aminef, there is 1428 Indonesia students has received Fulbright scholarship. Most of this scholarship prepared for Master’s degree (S2) and PhD (S3).

Have been many grantee collegiates Fulbright which now occupies important position in Indonesia like Juwono Sudarsono which now thus The Minister of Defence, Azyumardi Azra former Rektor UIN, Ichlasul Amal former Rektor UGM, Dien Syamsudin Ketua PP Muhammadiyah, and Artidjo Alkostar as grand judge.

Fulbright Scholarship on the market American since 1952 and every year the numbers always is added. the year 2006 for example is exist 40 grantees. The year 2007 is grantee quota added to become 100 students. Budget provided also leaps from US$3 million becoming US$10 million.

To get Fulbright scholarship application form applicant can download available in Aminef website (http://usembassyjakarta.org/aminef).
After bundle lamaran is filled complete, sends to office Aminef. Usually slowest lamaran is received by Aminef at May every year.

Scholarship applicant can choose x’self university which wish to be gone to. If gets away selection and entitled to scholarship hence all expense of educations will accounted on Aminef. But passport management fee becomes receiver candidate responsibility.

Some scholarships that is given by AMINEF:

  1. Fulbright Master’s Degree Program offers scholarship for study S2 in America. requirements: S1, minimum IPK value of 3 and TOEFL 550.
  2. Fulbright-Freeport Master’s Degree Program for aborigin Papua which wish to develop development in Papua. requirements: minimum S1, IPK of 3, has commitment to build Papua, and minimum TOEFL 500
  3. Fulbright Tsunami Relief Initiative Program, and fulbright-Sampoerna Foundation Master’s Degree indium Business Administration ( MBA).
  4. International Fulbright Science and Technology Award for Phd
    Given for Indonesia citizen (WNI) which S2 has or student S1 is being finalizes S2 with deadline 1 August 2008. Condition: S1 or minimum S2, IPK of 3, having soul leader, has culture knowledge, can finalize study during receives scholarship, readies returning to Indonesia after completed study, and has value TOEFL 580. area study that is on the market covers: Aeronautics, Astronomy, Biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, technology, geology, neuroscience, oseanography. Application deadline 15 Aprils 2007.

for complete information contact:

Gedung Balai Pustaka Lt6
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya of No.4 jakarta 10720
Telp. + 6221 3452016-3452018 Faxes. + 6221 3452050
