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PhD in Psychology and Master in Public Policy (PhD/MPP) 2007-2008 at Stanford

The Graduate Program in Public Policy will make rolling admissions decisions based on the student’s original application materials and subsequent performance, if any, at Stanford.

Purpose: To provide Stanford PhD students in Psychology an opportunity to become more sophisticated consumers and commissioners of public policy analysis within the context of their careers as professional psychologists.
Structure: The structure of the PhD/MPP program has five elements. The first consists of the first-year Psychology PhD program as currently structured and described in the Bulletin and elsewhere. The second consists of 45 units or more of MPP core applied skills in economics, quantitative methods, organizational behavior, cognitive and social psychology, political science, political philosophy and ethics, and law, some of which will have been acquired as part of the first year
Psychology curriculum. The third element consists of in-depth study of policy in a domestic and/or international context, through coursework in the Psychology department and elsewhere in the University. The fourth element consists of an interdisciplinary practicum, where teams of four to five students from diverse disciplines attack practical policy problems. The final element is the PhD dissertation.

Time required: 45 units beyond PhD requirements.
Requirements for admission: Admission to and matriculation in the Psychology PhD program.
Consent of the Department of Psychology.
Admission process: PhD/MPP admissions applications are forwarded from the Psychology
Start date (classes): September 2007
