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10 Scholarships in Finance to International Students, University of Bradford

Beasiswa Luar Negeri. The University of Bradford is offering up to 10 scholarships to self-financing international students from outside the EU, who are commencing undergraduate courses in September 2007.

  • Value – half the international tuition fee
  • Awarded on the basis of academic merit
  • Offered to international candidates from non-EU countries entering undergraduate courses in September 2007
  • Awarded for each year of the course

The scholarships are worth half the full international tuition fee and will be awarded for each year of the course and will be offered on a competitive basis to applicants with outstanding
academic qualifications (successful students will still need to cover the balance of their tuition fees, and living expenses).

How to Apply

  • Undergraduate candidates must make a formal application for a degree course at the University of Bradford via UCAS. Early UCAS application is strongly recommended for scholarship applicants.
  • Only candidates who have FIRMLY ACCEPTED an offer of a place can be considered for the scholarships. Application forms will be issued automatically to candidates who make Bradford their CF or UF choice; others cannot be considered.
  • Successful candidates will be expected to obtain, or already hold, outstanding examination results (either GCE A level or equivalent).

If you require additional information before making an application please contact Tom Cockburn at t.d.cockburn@bradford.ac.uk.

Application Deadline July 31, 2007
