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Beasiswa S2 MM UGM

Yogyakarta – Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada. Over the years, the Master of Management Program of Universitas Gadjah Mada (MM UGM) has established itself as one of the finest business schools and the leading provider of management education in Indonesia. This is achieved by realistic visions for the future and strategic directions of the program coupled with strong commitment of the faculties and staff in achieving high quality of standard of management education. Our tradition of quality basically is grounded in the heritage and reputation of Universitas Gadjah Mada.

MMUGM also claims itself as the`first-mover` in creative and innovative thinking with a focus on real business applications. The program delivers learning and development process tailored to the needs of business. MMUGM has the resources and capacity to deliver value-added education solutions for business. Our high-caliber academics are renowned for their research and teaching. It is a faculty that aims to open mind, inspire and impart knowledge, combining top quality teaching with a program of active research and business consulting in the area of Marketing, Human Resource, Finance, Strategic Management, Accounting, General Management and e-Business.

MMUGM offers comprehensive selection of master degree programs in business (M.M., M.B.A., M.Sc.B.A., M.Sc.Ib., M.A.C.) conducted within the program or in collaboration with its partner universities as well as non-degree programs ranging from short courses specifically designed for middle to high-level managers, applied research and management consulting. This is delivered via a diverse, but integrated number of activities: a range of structured post-graduate courses conducted within the program or in collaboration with business partner; executive development programs that are customized to corporate development need; series of academic seminars; and topical business discussion forums.

MMUGM Scholarships will be granted to cover tuition fee for Regular Class in MMUGM Yogyakarta campus. Administration fee, books expenses, thesis expenses, cost of living and other expenses are excluded.Scholarships are granted to 3 (three) applicants in every trimester. Final result is decided fully by MMUGM Board of Directors and will be announced after interview test process is complete.

Application Deadline:
Term 1. Aug 18, 2007
Term 2. Oct 20, 2007

For further information please contact us via official site Office of Admissions MMUGM

Jl. Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta 55281
Phone: +62 274 515536, 511035, 511036, 562222
Facsimile: +62 274 564388
e-Mail: admissions@mmugm.ac.id

Jl. R.P.Soeroso No.2-4 (former BAPINDO Head Office) Gondangdia
Lama, Jakarta Pusat 10310
Phone: +62 21 2302980, 2302981
Facsimile: +62 21 2302982
e-Mail: admissions@mmugm.ac.id
