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Accounting and Business Information Systems Honours Scholarship

Scholarship from Australia, University of Melbourne. This scholarship is offered until 2008. This scholarship is open to students entering the Bachelor of Commerce Honours Program and specialising in Accounting and Information Systems. Selection is on the basis of academic merit; the applicant’s demonstrated interest in the discipline of accounting and information systems; and interpersonal skills. The scholarship may not be awarded to an applicant who is in receipt of another sponsored award.
Duration and Value

Duration: 1 year
Annual value:     $A 10,000.00
Total value:     $A 10,000.00

Field of study

This scholarship is available for courses on the following fields of study: Business Administration, Management

Contact Information

Ms Jacqueline Hoare
Phone:     +61 (3) 83441815
Fax:     +61 (3) 93481674
Email:     commerce-scholarships@unimelb.edu.au
