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Churchill Scholarship in Engineering, Mathematics, and Natural Sciences

The Churchill Scholarship provides tuition and funding toward graduate work in engineering, mathematics and the physical and natural sciences at Churchill College, Cambridge University. Funds provided include tuition, a $12,000 living stipend, plus an a $1,000 USA to UK roundtrip travel allowance. Desired qualities are character, adaptability, and a demonstrated concern for the critical problems of society.
Campus Deadline: October 19, 2007

Elibility: Candidates must:

  • be a U.S. Citizen
  • submit the results of the Graduate Record Examinations, General Test
  • be in good health
  • be between the ages of 19 and 26
  • hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from a United States college or university, and may not have attained a doctorate.
  • be endorsed by USC

Contact:Noosha Malek, Student Affairs, 213-740-9116, STU 202
