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Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council – De Monfort University

Subject area: Food Chemicals Pharmaceutical Sectors Agricultural. De Monfort University Leicester UK.
If you have an enquiring mind and are concerned about the health and welfare of others we could offer you an exciting opportunity to realise your potential by following one of the courses offered by our newly formed Faculty of Health and Life Sciences.

Health-related programmes from the former Faculties of Applied Sciences and Health and Community Studies have been bought together to create our centre of expertise in Health and Life Sciences. We offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in nursing, midwifery, health studies, youth and social work, psychology, forensic science, audiology, pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and biomedical sciences. Many degree courses are accredited by professional bodies and allow graduates to continue their study on relevant postgraduate programmes and continuing professional development courses. We are also very pleased to offer NHS-funded places on certain degrees such as the BSc in Audiology

Qualifying Details
There are a number of studentships and bursaries available for both Masters degrees and research programmes. Each area of study has its own awarding body and conditions of eligibility. These conditions are set out in the individual bodies’ publications, but candidates must apply through the University and not directly to the awarding body. De Montfort University is allocated a certain number of bursaries and nominates students to receive them.

This award is applicable to the following countries:
all countries

Contact Website     http://www.dmu.ac.uk/faculties/hls/welcome.jsp?ComponentID=12134&SourcePageID=12693#1
