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27th Indonesia Book Fair 14-18 November 2007 Jakarta

The Indonesian Book Publishers Association (IKAPI), as part of its goal to help educate the public, has been consistently conducting series of Book Fair in all segments that include in major cities and small districts in Indonesia. Indonesia Book Fair is the biggest book fair in Indonesia
Besides that, Indonesia Book Fair is an international exhibition of publishing industry that is executed once in a year. Every year, this exhibition acquires an astounding response from publishers, bookstores & agents, readers, illustrator, academic community and also from general society. This year is the 27th for Indonesia Book Fair

27th INDONESIA Book Fair 2007 14-18 November 2007 Assembly Hall and Main Lobby Jakarta Convention Center organized by Dyandra and IKAPI. For registration and information: Email: dyandra@dyandra.com, http://www.dyandra.com or ikapi@cbn.net.id, http://www.ikapi.org

Indonesia Book Fair is an instrument to demonstrate the growth in book industry and expose the most recent books to public, it is also an attempt to enhance the culture and interest in reading as well as a method to obtain a healthy and pleasant leisureliness.

Following its success by conducting cultural themes for the last two years which are Nangroe Aceh Darussalam and Papua Province, this year, Indonesian Book Publishers Association (IKAPI) will implement another cultural theme which happened to be the 32nd province in Indonesia, Gorontalo.

The decision to select Gorontalo as the theme for Indonesia Book Fair 2007 is based on the development of this province, which considered as a new province in Indonesia but possesses a great culture and potential for tourism that could be exploited and presented to wide society through “Reading Habit” program, which is the concept for this year’s exhibition with the purpose to enhance intellectual quality among diverse and wide society in Indonesia
