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Leeds Metropolitan University Scholarships for Overseas Students 2007/2008

A limited number of scholarships are available for overseas students starting a full-time taught course at Leeds Metropolitan University in the academic year 2007/08.   Awards are in the form of a reduction in the tuition fee for one year of a course only.  It is the student’s responsibility to fund the remainder of their studies, where appropriate. All applicants must be financially able to fund the duration of their course, should their scholarship application be unsuccessful.

Scholarship opportunities available to overseas students across the University:
2007/08 International Scholarships
Awards to the value of either the full tuition fee or 50% reduction in the tuition fee for one academic year.  Available to a limited number of overseas students.

The total allocation for the academic year 2007/08 (Sept 07 and Jan 08) will be equivalent to five full scholarships.  These will be awarded as a combination of full and partial reductions in the tuition fee, with a partial reduction worth 50% of the tuition fee.

Applications that are unsuccessful for the full fee award will automatically be considered for the 50% fee reduction.  Candidates should not submit two applications.

Candidates must complete an application form (see attached) and write a 2,500 word essay describing a typical day in their life.  They should not choose a day in which an extraordinary event occurred.  The essay should allow us to learn about the candidate’s life and culture in their home country.  It should look at one but preferably more of the following aspects: home life (including family); social life (including friends and leisure time); background (including early education and employment if appropriate) and motivations.

Essay will be assessed with consideration of the following: overall presentation (2 marks); grammar/language (2 marks); originality (3 marks); content (3 marks).  A maximum of 10 marks can be scored.  The full scholarship will not be awarded to anyone with a total score of below 9 marks.

Deadlines for applications for September 2007 scholarships:  31 May 07 and 31 July 07

Deadline for applications for January 2008 scholarships:  30 November 07
