Due to the recent success of ICCSR PhD students in securing ESRC PhD studentships funding is available for an additional PhD scholar to study full time at the ICCSR, starting in January 2008. Applications must be for study in the broad area of social and environmental accountability. This could include a focus on issues such as reporting, the role of stakeholders, and the respective merits of regulation, self regulation and social regulation.
The scholarship will cover full tuition fees as well as tax-free living expenses of £12,600 per year (ESRC rate). One of your two supervisors will be Professor David Owen
Your entry into the scholarship competition will require your acceptance onto the Doctoral Programme. Students who want to be considered for this scholarship competition should submit their postgraduate application by 31 October 2007 at
the latest. You can complete your Postgraduate Application in hardcopy or online at
Indicate that you are interested in this scholarship in the personal details section of the online postgraduate application form or section 3 of the hardcopy postgraduate application form. In response to the question ‘how do you expect to pay for you studies’ you need to state ‘ICCSR Second Round Scholarship applicant’.
You should also submit, with your application, your research proposal, two academic references, academic transcripts and English language (if required). Scholarship applications will be evaluated on the basis of former qualifications, academic
background, references and research proposal. All of the documentation relating to this must be submitted by the scholarship deadline of 31 October 2007.
Further guidance on the application process, preparation of a research proposal and english language requirements are available on the doctoral programme pages of the Business School website.
Further information about the ICCSR is available from the ICCSR website