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Nanyang Technological University Registration Opened for Indonesia Students

Select NTU to get student experience of your bachelor degree. Nanyang Technological University ( NTU) in Singapore is one of 20 the best Technology Universities in big world and impeller for progress and research and Singapore expansion. NTU has:

  • Kolese technique number 4 in the world in the case of publication of technique
  • Business school No 1 in Singapore and No 2 in Asia
  • Journalism school and media is notable in Asia
  • First professional art school in Singapore
  • Kolese science offering hematics majors Physics, Mathematics and Biology with title BSc. (Hons), only the only in Singapore

Registration For Strata 1 ( S1)

Registration for S1 program school year 2008/2009 will be opened from October to 15 December 2007 for Indonesia citizen which has finalized Ujian Akhir National ( UAN) SMA or will finalize in the year 2008.

The registrants having academic champion and activity ekstra-kurikuler which is external
ordinary also can enlist for ASEAN scholarship, Nanyang, Sembcorp, Scholarship from the Government of Singapore and other.

Nanyang Technological University, Office of Admission & Financial Aid
42 Nanyang Avenue, Student Services Center, Level 2, Singapore 639815
Tel: 65-6790 5806/5807 Faxes: 65-67946510 E-mail: adm_intl@ntu.edu.sg

For registration visits www.ntu.edu.sg/admissions
