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Cardiff University Scholarships 2008 in Science and Humanity

Cardiff is one of the most successful and popular universities in the UK. The standard of applications is high and competition for places is strong with the vast majority of our students at their first choice university. In order to ensure that we continue to recruit the very best students we are introducing more than 100 prestigious new scholarships.

How much are the scholarships worth?

Each Cardiff University Scholarship is worth £3,000. They are cash payments and non-means tested.

When are the scholarships available?

The Scholarships are available to undergraduate students beginning their studies in September 2008.

In what subject areas are the scholarships available?

The scholarships are available in the following subject areas (the numbers in brackets denote the number of scholarships available in each subject area):


  • Chemistry (9)
  • Computer Science (14)
  • Earth Sciences (20)
  • Engineering (18)
  • Mathematics (16)
  • Physics (11)


  • Archaeology (2)
  • German/Italian (4)
  • Music (2)
  • Welsh (4)

Who will be eligible for the scholarships?

The scholarships will be awarded to the UK/EU students coming to Cardiff with the highest academic attainment in each subject area. This judgement will be made by admissions tutors at enrolment on the basis of your examination results.

How do I apply for a scholarship?

You don’t need to apply for these scholarships. As long as you have accepted the offer you have received from Cardiff University on a firm basis by 31st July 2008 then you will automatically be considered for an award.

When will I know if I have been successful?

The judging process will take place in September and, if you are successful, you will be notified in writing as soon as the decision is made.

If I am successful when will I receive my scholarship?

Successful students will receive £1,500 in their first year, with the remaining £1,500 paid in equal instalments in each of the remaining years of their course.

Cardiff University Scholarships 2008 in Science and Humanity Cardiff is one of the most successful and popular universities in the UK. The standard of applications is high and competition for places is strong with the vast majority of our students at their first choice university
