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[Ireland] Funded Masters Scholarship in University College Dublin

School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine, University College Dublin offers a funded postgraduate scholarship to work on a project entitled “Enhancing human health through improved water quality”. The successful applicant will be registered at masters level (with the possibility of upgrading to a PhD). It is hoped the applicant would commence work early in 2008.Duration:  1 years
Entry Requirements:  An honours degree in either: Biosystems Engineering, Environmental Science, Agriculture Science, Veterinary Medicine or equivalent
Study Options:  Full-Time
Start Month(s):  January
Taught/Research:  Research

Queries and interested applicants should send a CV and letter of application to arrive no later than 22th December 2007 to:

Dr. Enda Cummins
School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine,
Earlsfort Terrace,
University College Dublin,
Dublin 2,

E-mail: Enda.Cummins@ucd.ie

Funded Masters Scholarship in the UCD School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine 

