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10 PhD Studentships in Cell & Proteomic Technologies at the Universities of Glasgow

Ten fully funded, four year Studentships are available to start in late September 2008, with student grant funding being provided by the EPSRC and the host Universities.
The studentships are part of an exciting, internationally renowned, cross-University (Glasgow, Strathclyde, Edinburgh & Dundee) Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration that is already well established. This brings together world-leaders in the fields of proteomics, cell biology, imaging and microfluidics, focussing on a wide range of technologies in cell and molecular biology, tissue engineering, microarrays, BioMEMS, Lab-on-a-Chip, sensors, analytical instrumentation, mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy.

See www.rasor.org.uk for further details of studentships and research activities and to see what the current students think visit www.gla.ac.uk/faculties/fbls/dtcinproteomictechnologies/currentstudents/

We are particularly keen to attract students who want to work in a multi-disciplinary environment, and would encourage students from a variety of disciplines to apply, especially those with a background in chemistry, physics and engineering with an interest in applying their knowledge to biological sciences.

In the first year, students will be registered for a Masters in Research during which they will receive training including formal lecture courses, industrial workshops and practical experience, in all relevant areas, run by experts at the participating Universities, and will complete two 14”‘week laboratory projects. This will give the students the opportunity to experience all four University environments prior to making a final selection of PhD project and supervisor. Students will then continue their PhD studies at the University of their choice.

These fully funded studentships cover fees, stipend, research and travel costs, and are available to all students eligible under the UK Research Council guidelines*.

Informal Enquiries:

  • Angela Woolton, DTC Administrator, e-mail (A.Woolton@bio.gla.ac.uk) re requests for further details, including the levels of grants available.
  • Prof. Jon Cooper (Engineering) at the University of Glasgow (jmcooper@elec.gla.ac.uk)
  • Dr. Andrew Pitt (Biological & Physical Sciences) at the University of Glasgow (a.pitt@bio.gla.ac.uk)
  • Dr. Nick Morrice at the University of Dundee (n.a.morrice@dundee.ac.uk)
  • Dr David Dryden at the University of Edinburgh (david.dryden@ed.ac.uk)
  • Prof Duncan Graham at the University of Strathclyde (duncan.graham@strath.ac.uk)

Applications are being co-ordinated through the University of Glasgow. Intending applicants are advised to email Angela Woolton notifying her of their interest and providing a full CV (please include your initials in the file name) plus the names and addresses of at least two academic referees.

You must then formally apply to:

IBLS Graduate School (Proteomics)
Bower Building
University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ
tel: 0141-330-5800
email: biograd@bio.gla.ac.uk

The Glasgow University Postgraduate Degree Application Forms, which should be used for all applications, and other details are available at: www.gla.ac.uk/postgraduate/howtoapplyforaresearchdegree/

10 PhD Studentships in Cell & Proteomic Technologies at the Universities of Glasgow, Strathclyde, Edinburgh and Dundee

Proteomics, Lab-on-a-Chip, Microsystems, Spectroscopy, Tissue Engineering Imaging and Biosciences
Deadline – 11th January 2008
Applications sought immediately – posts will be offered to well-qualified candidates as they are identified
