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MBA Scholarship for Women in London

Tanaka Business School – Imperial College London Women are still under-represented in senior management positions. As part of our commitment to increase the pool of talented women in the economy, we are very pleased to offer three scholarships to £ 10,000 candidates with outstanding potential for the full-time MBA Imperial starting in October 2008.

To apply for a scholarship you must have an offer of a place on the Imperial MBA, a GMAT score of 640 (or above) and be able to convince us that:

  1. The Imperial MBA is the best choice of programme for you
  2. You have the potential to achieve positions of seniority and leadership within your chosen field
  3. You have a compelling vision of what your Imperial MBA will help you to achieve in the three years following graduation
  4. You have stretching but realistic goals for your life and career
  5. You are clear about the factors that differentiate you from other talented female MBA candidates
  6. You have particularly strong interpersonal skills and an ability to build and manage relationships with a diverse range of people.

Your application should include a supporting statement (maximum 1200 words) which discusses each of these areas and must be submitted by email to mba@imperial.ac.uk

First deadline for scholarship application: 31 May 2008. Two scholarships will be awarded at this time.
Second deadline for scholarship application: 31 July 2008. One scholarship will be awarded at this time.

For Apply online please click here
