This project aims at better understanding the doctoral nucleation of atmospheric aerosols mechanisms ionization mass spectrometry chemistry. These projects are currently supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Atmospheric aerosol particles affect climate, atmospheric composition, air quality and human health. Nucleation is a gas that in the process of converting solid particles or liquid particles that aerosols directly to the gas phase species, but the nucleation mechanisms are poorly understood. We will investigate ways of sulphuric acid, ammonia and organic compounds contribute to the nucleation of aerosols.
Successful candidates must have a first degree in a relevant subject (generally, chemistry or physics), has a strong background in physical and analytical chemistry, and have excellent pilot and good computer skills.
Doctoral Students will be fully compatible with a stipend of $ 20-22K per year, either directly by NSF through donations or teaching assistantship.
Kent, Ohio has moderate cost of living, and yet it is desirable, just 15 miles from the beautiful Cuyahoga Fall National Park and 30 miles from the metropolitan area of Cleveland.
For more information, please visit ~ slee19/index.htm.
More details can be obtained by applying and directly in submitting applications to Professor Lee (
Kent State University is an institute of AAEO.
Notes funding
Currently funded by the National Science Foundation (2007-2012).
Lee, S.-H., JM Reeves, JC Wilson, DE Hunton, AA Viggiano, TM Miller, JO Ballenthin, LR Lait, particle formation by nuclation ion in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, Science, 301 1886 -1889, 2003.
Young, L.-H., Benson DR, WM Montanaro, S.-H. Lee, LL Bread, DC Rogers, J. Jensen, JL Stith, CA Davis, LB Fields, KP Bowman, WA Cooper, LR Lait, better training for new particles observed in the northern midlatitude tropopause, J. Geophys. Res. — Atmos, 112, Doi: 10.1029/2006JD008109, 2007.
Application Deadline : Applications accepted all year roundÂ