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Fee-waiver Scholarships Department of Chemical & Biological Sciences

University of Huddersfield
Fee-waiver scholarships Department of Chemical & Biological Sciences

As part of a major expansion in the research activity at the University of Huddersfield has announced the availability of 125 fee-waiver scholarships for adoption in 2008-2009, an additional amount of 125 to be made available in the next year. Each year, 75 of these awards will waive 100% of tuition and 50 scholarships will waive 50% of tuition fees.

Many of these scholarships are available at the Department of Biological Sciences and chemical weapons. A list of research projects leading to MPhil or PhD in chemistry, biology, pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and nutrition can be found at http://www.hud.ac.uk/sas/ under contention.

On the same site you can watch departmental staff research interests, through which other projects can be designed. Please contact the staff if you need more information about specific projects or area or of Professor DR Brown, director of higher education at the School of Applied Sciences at drbrown@hud.ac.uk

The scholarships are open to technically excellent United Kingdom, the European Union or international full-time students who have not yet funded.

Applicants must be able to fund their living expenses.
To apply please go to: http://www.hud.ac.uk/registry/research/enquiry.htm
