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Ohio State University Physics Scholarship

The Department of Physics at Ohio State University is pleased to announce: The 2008 Valentino Physics academic achievement scholarship

The Department of Physics is offered a scholarship equal to the cost of tuition in the state for four years to students who major in physics or engineering physics at Ohio State University. This grant competition is open to any high school senior to the implementation of the State of Ohio has stated that it has a major in physics or a major pre-engineering physics.

Rules and Regulations:

  • Eligibility for this scholarship is limited to students enrolled at the University of the State of Ohio, in autumn 2008, which will be important in physics or engineering physics. The competition is open to non-US citizens and is not limited to residents of Ohio.
  • This competition is not affiliated with the application process at Ohio State University. All materials for application for this scholarship, including transcripts, but NOT ACT / SAT, should be sent to the address below to ensure full consideration of Physics 2008 Valentino Academic Achievement Scholarship
  • The scholarship will pay the equivalent of full tuition in the state of up to 12 quarters as long as the student continues to make good progress towards a degree in physics, engineering or physics (defined as a minimum of 3.0 GPA for the second year onwards, and registration at least one kind of physical per year).
  • If the student withdraws from physics or engineering physics major or fails to make adequate progress toward a degree in physics, the scholarship will be terminated.
  • All applicants must take the SAT or ACT. Applicants often have high math scores.
  • The scholarship will be determined by a combination of high grade and courses at the school, letters of recommendation, SAT or ACT, and a personal essay written by the applicant.
  • The amount of this award will be added after any other non-need-based financial aid is granted, to the maximum extent permitted by Ohio State University. The award will not exceed the cost of tuition in the state. The award can be renewed for up to 12 quarters at Ohio State University.

Send all application materials to:
2008 Valentino Physics Academic Achievement Scholarship
c/o Ms. Robin Wyatt
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Department of Physics
The Ohio State University
191 West Woodruff
1040 L Physics Research Building
Columbus, OH 43210

For full consideration, these materials must be postmarked on or before March 3, 2008.
For further information or to obtain additional applications, please contact:
Professor Richard E. Hughes, (614) 292-3885, hughes@mps.ohio-state.edu
This document may be photocopied freely, and an application may be submitted on a photocopy.

Download application form
