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The Excellence Award Program 2008 at ESSEC Business School Paris-Singapore

ESSEC Business School of Paris-Paris, a European leader in the business schools, is pleased to announce the launch of its Excellence Award Program for 2008. In 2008, the programme will provide scholarships for at least 10 in international traffic ESSEC MBA candidates.
On average, excellence awards will amount to € 12000 and will result in a tax exemption that amount.
To be considered for the ESSEC Business School Program Excellence Award, candidates must:

  • Be non-EU nationals (with a double European nationalities can not be considered)
  • Meet regularly standards for admission to the MBA program from ESSEC,
  • Submit a one-page essay describing their outstanding qualities and achievements,
  • Have a GMAT score above 680, a score above 380 purchasing power,
  • Complete the application for the MBA program from ESSEC with your dissertation.

It should be noted that the awarding of a ESSEC Business School Scholarships may not be combined with any other exchange (EIFFEL, ALBAN, etc.) but until we get the results of other scholarships, all Candidates match ESSEC the above requirements can apply for scholarships from ESSEC Programme.

Apply on the Excellence Award Program 2008 here

The deadline for applications is April 30, 2008.
ESSEC decision on awards will be made in mid-June 2008.

For more information please contact:

Elizabeth DEMARS
Assistant, International Recruitment Department
