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Australia Indonesia Governance Research Partnership

AUSTRALIA INDONESIA GOVERNANCE RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP Postgraduates: Applications for young Scholarship Workshop 2008

Are you working on contemporary governance issues in Indonesia: Politics, Economy, Law, Society, and Environment?
If so, you could win a place in the young Scholars Workshop to be held in Jakarta in December 2008 .
Participants from Indonesia and Australia will have the chance to showcase their research, develop presentation skills, receive mentoring from leading academics, and attend the AIGRP Policy Research Forum.

What is a workshop for young scientists?

Young scientists seminar is designed to encourage a new generation of promising researchers from Indonesia and Australia (especially with honours and postgraduate). Funding is available on a competitive basis in order to attract young scientists, in conjunction with established researchers, and provide a summary of its study.

The seminar will be held annually at the same time as AIGRP Policy Research Forum. In 2008 young scientists seminar will be held in Jakarta in December. Young Scientists Seminar participants will also have the opportunity to observe the Forum of Political Studies.

Who can take part?

Honours and graduate students who are currently (or recently completed) research with a focus on Indonesia.

Applicants must be enrolled at the present time. Candidates must not be recipients of scholarships or recent fellows.

What are the benefits?

Young scientists seminar is designed for young researchers taste of the profession, which would allow them to realize their studies and develop their presentation skills. This is also an excellent opportunity to interact with the leaders in this field and to create a new network of peers.

Business travel and accommodation for 3 days will be available for successful applicants.

More information on the experience of recent years, young scientists.

What you need to research?

Young scientists workplace seeks to collect a rich and diverse group of aspiring young scientists. Research topics to be widely associated with the Indonesian administration issues such as politics, economics, law, society and environment.

How can you apply?

To apply, simply fill in an application form and attach below:

  • A summary of research (see section 3 of the questionnaire).
  • Biographical information (see section 4 of the questionnaire).

Letter your statement :
Kate Fuller
Young scientists Coordinator
kate.fuller @ anu.edu.au

Applications Dateline: May 31st, 2008

Download Application Form here

Visit this website for more details and how to apply:
