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Physics & Astronomy Scholarships 2008-09 Minnesota State University

There are many scholarships available for physics and astronomy at Minnesota State University. Departement of Physics and Astonomy offers some scholarships program:

  1. College of Science, Engineering and Technology Scholarship
    At least ten awards ranging from $500 to $1000 will be given. To qualify, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above, have completed at least two full semesters at Minnesota State, Mankato, and be declared a major in the college or in a pre-professional major with the college. Recipients are selected by the Dean’s Scholarship Review Committee.
  2. Dean and Maxine Turner Scholarship
    One award of $1000 will be given. To qualify, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher and be enrolled in any major in the college or in a pre-professional major associated with the college. Preference will be given to students who will be seniors in the fall. Recipients are selected by the Dean’s Scholarship Review Committee.
  3. Dr. Glenn and Mrs. Helen Erikson Physics Scholarship
    At least one award of $1000 or more will be given. To qualify, a student must be a declared major in physics or physics teaching. Preference will be given to students planning to teach high school or college physics, junior high physical science or elementary science with a physical science emphasis. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for this scholarship.
  4. G. M. Wissink Physics Scholarship
    One award of $1000 or more will be given. To qualify, a student must be a junior or senior majoring in physics or physics teaching. A cumulative GPA of 3.5 in physical sciences and mathematics is required.
  5. Kiwanis Environmental Physics Scholarship
    One award of $600 will be given. To qualify, a student must be a physics or physics teaching major, have sophomore, junior or senior status, and be interested in environmental issues.
  6. Leo V. Standeford Astronomy Scholarship
    One award of at least $300 may be given. Award will be distributed fall term. To qualify, a student must have a declared major or minor in astronomy, a cumulative GPA of at least 3.3, and a GPA of at least 3.4 in Minnesota State, Mankato astronomy courses. Completion of at least six Minnesota State, Mankato semester credits in astronomy coursework numbered 200 or above is required.
  7. Stein Scholarship
    One award of $1000 will be given. To qualify, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher, must have completed at least one full semester at Minnesota State, Mankato, and be a declared math, science or pre-professional major in the college. Recipients are selected by the Dean’s Scholarship Review Committee.
  8. Thin Film Technology/Mankato Area Foundation Scholarship
    One award of $2000 will be given to a senior with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Two awards of $1000 will be given to a senior with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Four awards of $500 will be given to a junior with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Candidates must be a declared major in either computer engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, automotive engineering technology, computer engineering technology, electronic engineering technology, manufacturing engineering technology, chemistry, mathematics or physics. Recipients are selected by the Dean’s Scholarship Review Committee.
  9. Turning Pointe Scholarship
    One award of $1000 will be given to a single mother with dependent child(ren) who is a declared and accepted major in the College of SET with 32 credit hours completed. There is no minimum GPA requirement. Recipients are selected by the Dean’s Scholarship Review Committee. A separate application is required.
  10. Xcel Energy Scholarship
    Five awards of $1000 are available. To qualify, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher, have completed at least two full semesters at Minnesota State, Mankato, and be declared a major in the college or in a pre-professional major with the college. Recipients are selected by the Dean’s Scholarship Review Committee.

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To apply these scholarships visit the website
