College of Education (COE) offers a variety of scholarships for students who were taken in specific major in education. These scholarships can be used to address the special situations, which exclude funding through the usual channels of university scholarships.
Academic level: Doctor and Masters
Field of study: Education
Scholarship Program: Bullock Family Endowed Scholarship Fund
Criteria: Interested students must meet the following requirements:
- Must be a graduate-level student (master’s or doctorate degree in any of the following disciplines: science education, special education, adult education and statistics.)
- There must be full-time student
- Have a 3.0 or better GPA
The student must indicate any special circumstances of life (one parent, physical challenges, unique qualifications and experience.) Deadline: April 30 Download Application form
University of Florida
College of Education
4202 East Fowler Avenue, EDU 162
Tampa, FL 33620
Tampa, Florida 33620
United States
Phone: 813-974-3039