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Dr. Myndall Hall Stanfill Memorial Scholarship in Educational Leadership

University of Florida – This scholarship is for graduate students in Education Leadership demonstrating quality performance as a classroom teacher. Contributions to school in Leadership capacity, and evidence of potential for school leadership.

Academic Level: Masters
Field of Study: Education
Amount: $ 500 per year or $ 250 per academic year
No. Recipients of Scholarship: 1

Criteria: Interested students must meet the following requirements:

  • GPA of at least a 3.0
  • Must be a full-time student at the University of South Florida
  • Must be registered on the Tampa campus.

Click here to download the scholarship application

University of Florida

College of Education
4202 East Fowler Avenue, EDU 162
Tampa, FL 33620
Tampa, Florida 33620
United States
Phone: 813-974-3039
Contact: (813) 974-3420
