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Mathematics Scholarships Unversity of Manchester

At entry in 2008 Faculty of Mathematics offers three types of scholarships for foreign students. The first mathematical prestigious scholarship worth £ Excellence in 4000 and the second is the International Mathematics Scholarship which is worth £ 2000. Third Prize, the International Actuarial Science Merit Scholarship worth £ in 4000 celebrating the launch of our new course, BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science and Mathematics.

Mathematical knowledge scholarship
The school will award up to ten of these scholarships, worth £ in 4000, before the successful international candidates who demonstrate overall academic knowledge.

International Mathematics Scholarship
For those international applicants who do not receive higher mathematical Excellence Scholarship, the school has a large number of scholarships, worth £ 2000, based on the applicant’s mathematical achievement. All international applicants who meet the math component of their entrance requirements will receive a scholarship.

International actuarial science Merit scholarships
The school will award up to five of these competitive premiums amounting to £ in 4000, for successful international candidates who demonstrate exceptional achievement. These scholarships for students who register for the BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science and Mathematics. Three special awards for applicants applying from China, Southeast Asia and Africa.

The right choice and
All foreign students are automatically considered for these scholarships, and there is no need to apply for them. We will notify prospective students of their right to receive international mathematics scholarships as soon as we know, whether they meet the requirements. From the mathematical Excellence Scholarships and the International Actuarial Science Merit Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis, we do not expect to know who are the recipients before the start of the school year.

At the end of each year, all our students must perform well in examinations in order to progress next year. International Mathematics Scholarship holders will continue to receive a scholarship provided satisfactory progress next year. Recipients of Excellence Fellowship International Mathematics and Actuarial Science Merit scholarship will have to perform at a high level in order to continue to receive a scholarship, otherwise they will revert to the International Mathematics fellows.

How to Apply
visit the website

Undergraduate Scholarships
The school is funded scholarships for foreign students
