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Apprentice Ecologist Initiative Scholarship

The Apprentice Ecologist Initiative Scholarship is open to young people interested in the environment. The initiative seeks to elevate young people (including disadvantaged and at-risk youth) into leadership roles by engaging them in environmental cleanup projects, empower volunteers to rebuild the environmental and social well-being of our communities, and improve local living conditions for both citizens and wildlife. A $500 scholarship will be awarded annually to the author of the top Apprentice Ecologist essay.

Apprentice Ecologist Initiative ™ (officially recognized by the U.S. EPA) maintains thousands of young people (children, adolescents and college-age youth) from all over the world in cleaning up the environment and conservation projects. View recent Apprentice Ecologist Projects and Apprentice Ecologist Award winners.

Goals Apprentice Ecologist ™ initiative are:

  • Raise youth to the leadership role by involving them in cleaning up the environment and conservation projects
  • Empower young volunteers to restore the ecological and social well-being of our communities
  • Improving living conditions for local citizens and wildlife through education, activity and action

Here’s how to become Apprentice Ecologist (see draft essays and tips at the bottom of page):

Option I (cart cleanup from pollution-Stop)

  1. Plan to clean up debris draft mountains, rivers, shore, beach, park, the area of the desert or through family, friends or teachers.
  2. Remove / recycle rubbish from the area and take high-resolution digital photos of your project in action.

Option II (Native tree planting-Stop global warming)

  1. Map native tree-planting project in your yard, an area school, park or other natural areas. Get permission from any landowners and get native tree seedlings from a local nursery.
  2. Plant native trees and high-resolution digital photos of your project in action.

Option III (you choose-Save the Environment)

  1. Be creative!
  2. Organize and conduct a draft environmental protection at local, national or international level. Possible projects include starting the recycling program, taking steps to protect the area for wildlife, campaigning to save species or natural area, educating others on the preservation of wildlife and issues, measures to prevent pollution / contamination, raising awareness of the importance renewable energy sources, or assisting the elderly with their yards or on tree planting and maintenance of gardens, which provide native habitat of wild animals. The possibilities are endless!

After completing steps 1 and 2, register and upload your best photos and accompanying essays. We will publish photographs of your essays and provide links for downloading / printing official certificate achievements and Apprentice Ecologist heat (for the T-shirt). A large canvas tote bag (in the U.S. with 100% certified organic cotton) printed with the logo of our sponsors will be awarded 10 best essay on an annual basis (current award cycle January 1 – December 31, 2008).

$ 500 educational scholarships will be awarded annually to the author of an essay rating Apprentice Ecologist (This tax exemption scholarship is available to any full-or part-time student [ages 13-21], who is a candidate for the degree / diploma at the primary (high school), average ( Secondary School) or accredited after completing secondary (usually in a college or university) institutions. Prize covers 1) tuition and fees to enroll or attend school and / or 2) fees, books, materials and equipment necessary for your courses).

If you need help or have questions, you can contact us at any time at: mail@wildernessproject.org

Apprentice Ecologist Initiative Scholarship by Nicodemus Wilderness Project
Amount: equal to $500
Deadline: December 31, 2008

For more detail information visit the website
