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Fulbright Visiting Specialist Program

Visiting specialists Fulbright program provides grants for Indonesian scholars and practitioners to conduct an intensive three weeks to six training programs, lectures and the public on issues in the Islamic civilization and developments in the Muslim world.

Ideal applicants scientists or practitioners with outstanding records of academic, vocational, community service, ability to deal with issues in the Islamic civilization in addition to learning in their disciplines and about Indonesia, the ability to communicate effectively and diplomatically in Russian and desire to speak as a cultural ambassador. Participants can teach short courses or seminars in their areas of expertise as it relates to Islam and the Muslim world, team-teach with American faculty, students and faculty seminars, consultation professors and students, develop curricula, engage in informal discussions with students, and outreach activities, including programs for community groups, as well as interviews with the media. The program does not support scientific research and does not give parties time to pursue personal projects. Participants may be in the field of Islam and field studies, political science, international relations, business and economics, history, women’s studies, journalism, sociology, religion, literature, anthropology and art.


Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or equivalent experience or terminal degree in their field, demonstrate the strong record of academic, professional and public services, expertise on Islam as a religion and culture, maturity, reliability, flexibility, honesty and professionalism. Applicants must be residing in Indonesia at the time of application.

How to apply

Applicants must fill out the appropriate forms and return them to AMINEF through the application deadline. The forms can be obtained by downloading the forms and instructions below, by mail or in person at AMINEF Office, Gedung Balai Pustaka, 6 Floor, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya 4, Jakarta 10720.


Specific questions regarding the application process can be sent by e-mail at the following address: infofulbright@aminef.or.id. We do not accept applications by e-mail. Copies should be sent or delivered to American Indonesian Exchange Foundation.


The deadline for filing materials for all programs is May 31, 2008.

For more information on the program http://www.aminef.or.id
