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International Science Honours Scholarship for Bachelor Degree

University of Queensland (UQ) has invited prominent international students apply for scholarships in the amount of 12360 Australian dollars. Scholarship is available for students applying for the year with honors in one of the following degrees:

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in biological and chemical sciences
Bachelor of Biotechnology
Bachelor ecology
Bachelor of Marine Research


  • The scholarship covers 50% of the tuition fee for up to 1 year (#16 units) valued at AUD$12,360.
  • The successful applicant must commence studies in July 2008 (Semester 2), or February 2008 (semester 1).
  • The scholarship is not available to students who have already completed a related undergraduate award.
  • The successful applicant must be classed as an International Student in Australia. (Australian permanent residents and Australian citizens are not eligible).
  • Scholarship Applications must be received at UQ by 16 May 2008 (July 2008 entry), and 14 November 2008 (February 2009 entry). Successful applicants will be notified within 4 weeks of application closing date.

How to Apply

  1. Lodge an official UQ Undergraduate application form for one of the above degrees and provide certified copies or originals of all academic transcripts to a UQ representative, or send directly to:
    The Manager,
    International Admissions Section,
    Level 2, JD Story Building,
    The University of Queensland
    Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia.
  2. Complete the Scholarship application form*, provide a one page covering letter outlining why you wish to study science at UQ, and a supporting reference from a staff member at your institution, and submit to:
    Scholarship Coordinator
    Faculty of Biological & Chemical Sciences
    The University of Queensland
    Brisbane, Qld 4072 Australia.
    Email: scholarships@bacs.uq.edu.au

Download application form here or visit the website

Deadline : May 16, 2008
