International WaterCentre (IWC) master on Integrated Water Resources Management aimed at improving the capabilities of future leaders in the field of water resources management with special emphasis on professionals working in developing countries. At the turn of the current and evolving practice IWC equips students with practical skills and interdisciplinary approaches to provide clean water solutions from the watershed to the bank. We are committed to on the basis of global knowledge base and skills in the water sector to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and to meet international commitments to sustainable development.
In 2008 the IWC program will be offered through The University of Queensland: Program Outline.
Scholarship applications for 2009 are now open
Water Leader Scholarships Program will offer full and partial scholarships for training of Australian citizens, permanent residents and international applicants for the semester 1 2009 master reception on Integrated Water Resources Management (MIWM) program.
The amount of scholarships
International scholarships will cover the full costs of training for three semesters MIWM programme, as well as the health of overseas students Cover for the duration of the program.
Scholarships for Australian citizens and residents include both full and partial scholarships for education-training program three semesters.
IWC Water Leader Scholarships do not include travel, accommodation allowances, scholarships, living in the field of work or course material costs. It will be the responsibility of successful candidates to meet those expenses.
Those interested in applying for an IWC Water Leaders Scholarship must meet the minimum eligibility requirements outlined below.
MIWM Program Entry Requirements (See also Applying to the Masters Program):
- A four year undergraduate degree in a related field of study from an internationally-recognised institution. Applicants must have completed a university level qualification which is at least equivalent in standard to an Australian four year degree. If you are unsure whether your previous university qualification(s) is equivalent in standard to an Australian four year degree, you should seek advice from the Australian Education Centre in your home country or region, or contact UQ International Education Directorate.
- Demonstrated English language proficiency (see;
- A minimum of two years practical experience in a related field is preferred but not required.
Citizenship and Visa Status
Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and international applicants are eligible and encouraged to apply. Successful international applicants must meet visa requirements of the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
The selection criteria and process
Candidates will be evaluated by the University of Queensland in order to ensure their compliance with the minimum requirements for entry into MIWM program. Students will also be judged on Water Leaders Scholarship Selection at the International WaterCentre. Selection Panel will adhere to ICC policy of non-discrimination in this process. Decisions on the selection of candidates are final and confidential. ICC will not enter into correspondence regarding the results of the selection process.
Application Deadline: 1 August 2008
Term and Condition
For further information visit the website