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TOTAL E&P INDONESIE Supervisory Training Program

TOTAL E&P INDONESIE challenges you to join Supervisory Training Program which will be held in October 2008

The training program will be organized for 16 months in Indonesia.

After finishing the program, you will be assigned at TOTAL E&P INDONESIE’s sited in East Kalimantan


  • Student on his/her last semester (S1/D3) who will graduate before October 2008
  • De or S1 graduate in any engineering major
  • Min GPA: 2.75
  • Max. Age 26 years old
  • Good English proficiency
  • Familiar with MS Office Application
  • Having excellent health condition

Please apply trough our website:

Website: www.careers.total.com with code PET

Application Deadline: 16th August, 2008
