UK – Oxford University Computing Laboratory
The Computing Laboratory invites applications for full and partial scholarships for D.Phil. (Doctor of Philosophy) study to commence in October 2009.
Application deadline: 23 January 2009
The Computing Laboratory is among the world’s leading Computer Science departments. It is a centre for research in computer science, numerical analysis, computational biology, quantum computation, computational linguistics, and information systems, supported by £27M of research grants from research councils, EU and industry. Our students obtain an outstanding education in computer science through a variety of undergraduate and graduate programmes, including a part-time, professional programme in software engineering.
The Laboratory’s research strength derives from its firm grounding in core Computer Science disciplines, a high degree of mathematical sophistication among its researchers, and its committed engagement with applications and interdisciplinary work. Over the past several years we have significantly broadened the spectrum of computing research in the Laboratory. The intake of graduate students has substantially increased, and we now have over 100 graduate research students.
The scholarships available for full-time D.Phil. study include EPSRC Doctoral Training Awards (DTA), Clarendon scholarships and departmental awards. DTA scholarships are of three and a half years’ duration and include college and university fees and maintenance of at least £12,940 per annum. Full DTA awards are available to home students or EU students who studied in the UK for three years previously. Partial (fees only) DTA awards are available to EU students. Departmental awards are typically partial and carry no nationality restrictions. Clarendon scholarships are for three years, are partial (fees or maintenance) or full and are open to all international (non-UK/non-EU) students. In addition, a broad range of scholarships are available at Oxford, for example Commonwealth, KC Wong and Scatcherd European (nationality and course restrictions apply).
There are three application deadlines, 21 November 2008, 23 January 2009 and 13 March 2009. Scholarship applications must be received by 23 January 2009 at the latest to be considered for 2009 start. The scholarships are highly competitive. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed and decisions are expected in March 2009. If additional D.Phil. studentships become available they will be advertised here.
Click here for more details and application details (.pdf)
Further information is available from:
Click here to download the poster (.pdf)