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PhD Scholarships for Developing Country Students in Belgium 2009

VLIR-UOS launched its ICP Ph.D. programme in order to enable promising graduates of the International Courses (ICP) to make a Ph.D. at a Flemish university. Starting from the academic year 2002-2003, a maximum of ten Ph.D. scholarships can be granted every academic year to excellent ICP graduates from a developing country.

Depending on the approval of the government of the Scholarships Programme of VLIR-UOS, a maximum of 10 ICP Ph.D. scholarships is granted per reference year.


The ICP Ph.D. programme aims to institutionally strengthen universities or research institutions in the South through capacity building, by upgrading local academic personnel by offering Ph.D. scholarships.

New in this call

– The ICP Ph.D. programme is now also open to ICP students from developing countries who will graduate in the reference year, i.e. 2009, hence after the selection date. Consequently, their selection is conditional upon their graduation. The call stays open for ICP graduates of maximum 5 years before the reference year. This means that candidates who graduated from an ICP in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 can apply.

– Candidates cannot apply for ICP Ph.D. more than three times.
Scholarship type and duration


In a “sandwich” scholarship two-thirds of the research is conducted at the local institution and one-third at the Flemish university. This ratio has to be respected, not annually but in the overall period of four years.

The scholar is free to choose the periods of his/her stays in Belgium and his/her home country, albeit in agreement with both supervisors. However, for practical reasons, the scholar is obliged to come to Belgium at the start of the scholarship, i.e. on 1 October of the reference year.


A full ICP Ph.D. scholarship consists of two consecutive two-year terms and cannot be extended.


The applicant is responsible for both the electronic version and the original hard copy of the complete application file, to reach the ICOS before expiry of the internal deadline that is determined by the respective university. The internal deadlines of the respective universities are shown in the table below:

ICOS (per university) Deadline
K.U.Leuven 23 February 2009
K.U.Brussel 23 February 2009
UHasselt 26 February 2009
Universiteit Antwerpen 26 February 2009
Vrije Universiteit Brussel 26 February 2009

Click here for further details scholarship information and application

