Scholarship Description
If your academic achievement is matched by a passion to make a difference in the world, Griffith University is the perfect place to launch your career. Griffith’s available scholarships1 are the best way to help you get started.
A scholarship can provide great help with funds for your study, and although there is strong competition for each scholarship, they are definitely worth investigating.
Application deadline: March 12, 2009
TOP UP SCHOLARSHIP TO A CURRENT HOLDER OF AN APA OR GUPRS Scholarship at Griffith University. Required Project Title: Ecosystem restoration of bauxite processing residue sand disposal areas in Western Australia: Important biogeochemical processes and effective fertilisation strategies Rehabilitation of bauxite-processing residues represent a major challenge to alumina producers worldwide. The management of residue storage areas (RSAs) involves many of the fundamental chemical, physical, microbial and biological processes controlling plant-water-soil interactions. We are seeking an outstanding student to study fulltime within the Centre for Forestry and Horticultural Research at Griffith University in this exciting area of mining rehabilitation. The successful candidate will work very closely with the industry partner, Alcoa of Australia Ltd, one of the world’s largest alumina producers.
Reference Number: 4172
Study Subject: Ecosystem restoration of bauxite processing residue sand disposal areas in Western Australia
Provided By: Griffith University
To be undertaken at: Griffith University.
Level: Post Graduate
This scholarship is offered once only to one person. Open for applications until March 12, 2009.
Payment Information
The value of this scholarship is AUD7000 (maximum per annum). This award is to be used for miscellaneous purposes. This scholarship is paid fortnightly for the period of 3 years.
Research Information
This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: Forestry sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Geophysics or Soil and water sciences.
This scholarship is for study in Australia for those who have achieved Honours 1 or equivalent, or Honours 2a or equivalent. There are no restrictions on citizenship. permanent residents can apply.
Application Details
To apply for this scholarship you must apply direct to faculty. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.
Main Contact
Dr Chengrong Chen (Chief Investigator)
Griffith University
Phone: 0737357494
Main Contact
Dr Ian Phillips (Alcoa contact)
Phone: 0895302338