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PhD Scholarship Program in Taiwan

International Graduate Scholarship Program

Taiwan – Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Graduate Scholarship Program (PhD).
If you are looking for the best development opportunity for yourself in the exciting technology frontier, this is the program to make your dream come true.

The ITRI Graduate Scholarship Program offers foreign MS degree holders a comprehensive 4-year scholarship to pursue their Ph.D. in Taiwan, while joining collaborative research projects between Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) and two outstanding science and technology universities, National Chiao-Tung University (NCTU) and National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU).

Why Study in Taiwan ?

  • Taiwan is among the world’s most important high-tech centers, particularly renowned for computer, communication and consumer electronic (3C) products and technologies.
  • Taiwan is one of the most active countries in technology innovation. The total number of US patents issued to Taiwanese Nationals has ranked number 4 worldwide for the past 5 years running.
  • Taiwan is one of the most vibrant regions for technology entrepreneurship, the essential foundation for economic development.
  • Taiwan is centrally located near major Asian markets.
  • Taiwan offers a unique blend of traditional culture and modern convenience.

Why Join this Program?

  • Pursue your doctoral degree at either NCTU or NTHU, two world-class science and engineering universities.
  • Participate in the grand challenge research programs at ITRI, most prominently in interdisciplinary areas.
  • Work and learn with some of the most outstanding researchers in the world.
  • Connect with the top-notch high-tech companies and R&D institutes in Taiwan for employment opportunities.

What does this Program Offer?

  • Monthly scholarship of NT$30,000(~US$900).
  • Full tuition fees during the Ph.D. studies.
  • Additional research stipend when participating in dissertation research projects at ITRI.
  • Employment opportunity at ITRI after graduation.

This program extends the scholarship and tuition offer to eligible students up to 4 years depending on annual review of academic performance.
Students failing to meet academic standards as required by partner universities will lose eligibility for this offer.

Focus Areas of this Program

  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
  • Optoelectronics and Photonics.

Exemplar Faculty

  • Dr. Jyuo-Min Shyu, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Dean, College of EE and CS, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), IEEE fellow
  • Dr. Jason Yi-Bing Lin, Chair Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), IEEE fellow
  • Dr. Cheng-Wen Wu, General Director, SoC Technology Center (STC), Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), IEEE fellow
  • Dr. Bao-Shuh Paul Lin, General Director, Information and Communications Research Laboratories (ICL), ITRI, IEEE fellow
  • Dr. Yi-Jan Chan, General Director, Electronics and Optoelectronics Research Laboratories (EOL), ITRI
  • Dr. Ching-Tarng Hsieh, Senior Engineer, ICL, ITRI
  • Dr. Gin-Kou Ma, Deputy General Director, STC, ITRI

R&D Project Examples

  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Digital Mobile Life
  • All-IP Networking System & Services
  • Broadband Wireless Communications
  • Mobile Broadband WiMAX on High-Speed Rail

Eligibility for Application

  • Proof of foreign citizenship
  • Proof of a Master’s degree or equivalent
  • Graduate GPA of at least 3.4 or equivalent academic performance
  • TOEFL (if applicable) score of 550 or above for paper -based test (213 for computer-based test).
  • For the GRE comprised of Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical sections, a total score of 1650 or above is required. For the new GRE version comprised of Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical. Writing sections, a minimum of 400 is required on Verbal, 650 on Quantitative, and 3.5 on Analytical Writing.

Application Procedure

  • Application submissions should be made to the Program Office.
  • Required Documents (please send originals by post unless otherwise indicated):
    • Application Form (Click here to download)
    • Current CV / Resume (may be sent by e-mail)
    • Letter of Application (Statement of Purpose) (may be sent by e-mail)
    • Academic Transcript (Graduate degree)
    • TOEFL and GRE test scores (Direct from testing service)
    • At least two recommendation letters from professors.
    • Applicants with working experience should provide one additional recommendation letter from a supervisor at work.
    • Any other supportive materials for demonstrating academic excellence (published papers, technical reports, etc.)
    • Other documents as required by partner universities that you apply for.
  • Before applying, please visit the NTHU and/or NCTU websites and then indicate in your Letter of Application which university (NTHU, NCTU or both), which specific departments, and if possible which Professors or research projects are of interest to you.
  • Applications are processed on a rolling basis as they are received. For more information about application, contact the Program Office (below).
  • Final Application Deadline for Fall 2009 entry: March 31, 2009.
  • Notice of acceptance will be issued no later than June 30, 2009.

Highlights of Hsinchu High-Tech Hub

Hsinchu Science Park

  • 416 high tech companies.
  • US$35.8 billions of turnover (2007).
  • Over 1,500 PhD’s.

Industrial Technology Research Institute

  • Where Taiwan’s high tech industries originated, such as IC, TFT-LCD, Optoelectronics, Laptop, Desktop and Broadband Communication.
  • 5,864 employees, 1,082 with Ph D degree (18.5%), 3,251 with Master degree (55.4%).
  • 2,263 patents applied, 908 patents awarded, 653 technologies transferred, over 25,000 firms serviced in 2007.
  • More than 70 CEO/funders of public trading companies including tsmc, UMC and MediaTek are ITRI alumni.

National Tsing Hua University

  • 3 alumni as Nobel laureates.
  • 2008 THES Ranking: one of the Top 50 in Asia-Pacific region.
  • THES Citations/Faculty Ranking: #2 among all universities in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

National Chiao Tung University

  • 2008 ARWU Ranking: # 51 in ENG Field
  • World Top-100 Universities
  • ESI publications in computer science: # 21

For more information

  • http://www.itri.org.tw/eng/
  • http://www.nthu.edu.tw/english/ind ex.php
  • College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: http://www.eecs.nthu.edu.tw/index.html
  • http://www.nctu.edu.tw/english/ind ex.php

College of Electrical and Computer Engineering: http://www.ece.nctu.edu.tw/english/Dept/dept_index.htm
The scholarship of this program is mainly sponsored by Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan.

Contact Information
Program Office (ITRI)

Mr. Daniel King
Email: danking@itri.org.tw
Tel: +886 3 591 7886

Ms. Hsiu-mei Chien
Email: chienhsiumei@itri.org.tw
Tel: +886 3 591 2994

Email : itriphd@itri.org.tw

ITRI Graduate Scholarship Program
Chung Hsing Road Section 4, No. 195
Building 51, Room 315
Chu-tung, Hsinchu, Taiwan 310

Fax: +886 3 5910015

Please note that ITRI will be closed to celebrate the Lunar New Year from 1/24-2/02/2009 – we apologize for any delay in responding to your inquiries.
