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Doctoral Scholarships in Economics – Germany

Doctoral Scholarships
Recipients of the doctoral scholarships are selected from the applicants to MGSE on a strictly competitive basis based on academic excellence. In their application form candidates can indicate if they wish to run for a scholarship.  The scholarship amounts to 1.000 Euros per month. In addition, recipients are given 103 Euros per month to cover travel costs, costs for books etc.

In general, the scholarships are awarded right in the beginning of the program and last for three years. Please note that at the end of the first year of the Ph.D. program the doctoral students’ performance is evaluated. Dismissal from the program and termination of the scholarship are possible if progress and aptitude have not met MGSE requirements.

Applications to the MGSE
The MGSE offers 10 doctoral scholarships for the three-year Ph.D. program in Economics with start in October 2009. Application deadline is April 30, 2009.

Please apply online with our MGSE Online Application Tool.

Please take note of the following rules:

  • Applications by mail will not be accepted.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Applications which are not submitted will not be considered.
  • We do not charge application fees.
  • Applicants who already received an offer from a different Ph.D. program can request an early decision.
  • Deadline for applications with start in October 2009 is April 30, 2009.

Munich Graduate School of Economics
Ms. Gabriella Szantone-Sturm
Kaulbachstrasse 45
80539 Munich

Public transportation connection
U-Bahn: U3 or U6
Universität station
Telefon / Email
Tel: +49 (0) 89 / 2180 – 5629

For more details information including requirements of this scholarship please visit:
