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International PhD Program in Molecular Genetics, Switzerland

Frontiers in Genetics’ PhD program starts every year in October and usually lasts 4 years. During the first year, the students are requested to complete 3 rotations in different laboratories of the network. In addition, they must attend a course entitled Frontiers in Molecular Genetics. The students are then submitted to a qualifying exam before being enrolled into the PhD thesis project.

National Center of Competence in Research – ‘Frontiers in Genetics’, Switzerland

Starting in October 2009

Frontiers in Genetics proposes an international program for doctoral training, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation. This program is based at the University of Geneva, and includes participating members from all of our NCCR’s institutions. The program starts in October 2009 and provides a strong background in molecular genetics and genomics to address cutting edge biological issues.

We wish to recruit outstanding candidates with a degree in biological sciences and a commitment to a career in research. The selected students will receive stipends for four years, providing they complete all program requirements.


Applicants should send by post the following documents to the address below.

  1. The application form.
  2. A letter describing their interests, background and research experience.
  3. Official transcripts of your university courses and grades, and copy of diplomas.
  4. Three letters of recommendation.

NCCR Frontiers in Genetics
International PhD Program
Sciences III – University of Geneva
30, quai Ernest-Ansermet
CH-1211 Geneva 4
The application deadline is May 1st, 2009.


Application form For fall 2009 PDF

Further Scholarship Information and Application
