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Australia Scholarships in Accounting, Finance, Informatics, Linguistics

Up to 30 Scholarships for 2008 and 2009 at A$50,000 per annum tax free
Exciting research with opportunities for international travel

We are seeking graduates with qualifications in one, or more of:
1. Finance
2. Econometrics
3. Information Technology / Data mining
4. Computational Linguistics
5. Accounting

Completed application forms should be sent to:
Capital Markets CRC Limited
Scholarship Selection Committee
GPO Box 970, Sydney, NSW 2001

Enquiries can be directed to:
Dr Will Renner,
Senior Education Manager, CMCRC
Fax: +61 (0) 2 8088 4201
Email: scholarships@cmcrc.com

The Capital Markets Cooperative Research Centre (CMCRC) has been a very successful research centre that has won prizes for its research and has already spun-off several businesses. The research work of the existing CMCRC is described below. Funding has recently been obtained for a much larger CRC that will operate internationally. The CMCRC`s research is supported by government, industry partners, security exchanges, and regulators in Australia, the UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Scandinavia, and North America. Students are based both in Australia and overseas and have some opportunity to travel.

The CMCRC provides an exciting, high calibre, and well resourced research environment for work in capital markets. The research objective is to create better capital markets locally, regionally, and globally. CMCRC research is about providing a better understanding of financial markets (their operation and their price behaviour) and research which facilitates the provision of advances in technology to capital markets. In the CMCRC there is a particular focus on the enhancement of market integrity and security. CMCRC research is also about realising commercial benefits from innovation, and the CMCRC provides direct participation in commercial results for PhD Students.

Programmes currently operate under the following research themes:
1. market design and market behaviour
2. surveillance and compliance
3. data mining
4. language technology
5. the analysis of accounting and audit data relevant to security markets.

Interdisciplinary research is encouraged. Applications are invited for full-time scholarships to support PhD studies. We seek highly motivated and enthusiastic scholars from the disciplines above, who wish to work in the area of financial markets.

Successful candidates will have a 1st class honours degree in one of the disciplines above, or a Masters degree with a major research component, an exceptional academic record, strong written and verbal communications skills, and an ability to work in a team environment. The successful applicants will work closely with one or more industry partners, and consequently will need to be flexible with regard to their research topic. Students will be enrolled at The University of New South Wales, The University of Technology Sydney, The University of Wollongong, The University of Sydney, Macquarie University, or an overseas university associated with the CMCRC, such as the University of Reading. Students generally apply to the CMCRC before they apply to the university, but applications may proceed simultaneously. We encouage applicants to establish contact with potential supervisors at our partner universities in conjunction with their application.

Award Tenure
Subject to satisfactory performance, scholarships are tenable for up to three years commencing in 2009 and 2010. Scholarships of up to $50,000 pa will be offered. The scholarship is tax free. Australian residents in our program obtain RTS places, which means that they do not pay tuition fees or HECS..

Application Closing Dates
Applications are considered for selection several times per year. Please submit your completed application before one of the following closing dates. Shortlisted applicants are interviewed prior to placement. The selection and placement process normally takes about 8 weeks.
Application Closing Date
15 June, 2009
15 November, 2009

Additional information for international students.
International students are eligible to apply for scholarships. It is particularly important for international students to demonstrate the quality of their qualification, their capacity for research and their ability in written and spoken English. Short-listed applicants will be interviewed. Note: the CMCRC does not pay university tuition fees for international students. International students can usually apply to their university or faculty for a fee scholarship, or fee waiver. CMCRC students are usually successful in such applications, but this is a matter for the student and the university, not the CMCRC.

website: cmcrc.com
